Saffron Processing

Collection Center Unit

Collection Center Unit

Collection of produce from farmers, proper weighing, issuing code numbers/ tagging and maintenance of record.

Ensure proper marking of the crates to ensure there is no mixing of produce and ownership disputes are avoided.

Cold Storage Unit

Cold Storage Unit

In case there is an excess of fresh saffron flowers it can be stored in cold room within plastic crates, each crate having a capacity of appx. 4 kg of fresh saffron flowers.

The excess produce can be stored in racks at a height of 6 ft with multiple perforated plastic crates.

Stigma Separation Unit

Stigma Separation Unit

Receiving fresh flowers from collection unit.

Checking the produce for proper coding, tagging and weight and maintaining its record.

Guiding the farmer to be properly and hygienically dressed.

Quality Evaluation Laboratory Unit

Quality Evaluation Laboratory Unit

Receiving coded samples from drying unit for quality evaluation/testing.

Conducting physical and chemical tests of saffron samples received, using IS methods.

Providing accurate and globally acceptable test results.

Drying Unit

Drying Unit

Receiving fresh stigma from stigma separation unit, recording initial weight and moisture of the produce to be dried.

Allot dryer usage time & Scheduling of various lots.

Ensure safe drying of stigma as per established protocols and ensure quality.

Packaging Unit

Packaging Unit

Receiving dried stigma (coded) from drying unit under proper coding.

Weighing of the inlet produce to be packed.

Collecting test/ grade certification from QEL unit.

Maintenance of log book of batch numbers and product handling to ensure traceability throughout the marketing channel.